Arts Galleries
The new year started off with our Art Foundations II students working diligently to become the next great portrait artist. After studying works by master painters based mostly in oils, each student selected a portrait to base their own piece on, using pastels to create their very own Rembrandt. The process of replicating a reference piece refined their skills in shading, blending, and skin tone. It was wonderful to see how the selected piece reflected the personality of the artist.
Our annual Christmas Concert and Art Show has become a holiday tradition at ECS. In just four short years our school has expanded to 174 students in Grades 9-12, featuring a robust arts program that was on full display at Leesburg Community Church on December 12. The concert featured incredible performances from our Concert Choir, Chamber Orchestra, Jazz Band, Beginning and Advanced Guitar Ensembles, and Honors Ensembles. There was also artwork from our Digital Photography, and Art Foundations I and II classes on display, as the church lobby was transformed into a stunning art gallery. Throughout the evening, friends, staff, and family had the chance to admire the pieces our students have been working on all semester. Our Yearbook student editors also joined in the festivities, photographing the event and offering family Christmas photos to concertgoers!
Guests at the annual ECS Spring Concert & Art Show enjoyed beautiful music from our Concert Choir, Honors Choral Ensemble, Jazz Band, Chamber Strings, and Beginning Guitar Ensemble students. Following the concert guests enjoyed viewing beautiful artwork by Graphic Design, Digital Photography and Art Foundations students. We also honored our three music department seniors! Thanks to everyone who came out to support our hard-working students.
Evergreen’s Art Foundations classes have been showcasing their artistic skills with three-dimensional works of art displayed throughout the building. If you enjoy these pictures, come by our Media Center to see them featured on the library shelves alongside our growing collection of books.
Standing ovation to our many talented Concert Choir, Honors Choral Ensemble, Strings, Jazz Band, and Guitar students for their wonderful and festive performances in our annual Christmas Concert. Our very talented Graphic Design, Digital Photography and Art Foundations students showcased their outstanding work after the concert. The Christmas Concert and Art show was hosted by our wonderful Fine Art teachers, Ms. Park, Mrs. Maguire, Mrs. Walsh, and Ms. Stitzlein. Thank you to everyone who joined and celebrated our students!
Audiences traveled back to the 18th century to enjoy Evergreen's first school play, “She Stoops to Conquer" by Oliver Goldsmith. Congratulations to the drama class and director Mr. Christian Fernandez.
The 2023 Spring Concert and Art Show for Evergreen Christian School in Leesburg, Virginia was held at Bethel Presbyterian Church. Guests enjoyed beautiful music from the ECS Concert Choir, Honors Choral Ensemble, and Guitar Ensemble. Following the concert, guests perused the art exhibition showcasing students’ accomplishments from their foundational studies in the elements and principles of art and graphic design. It was a delight to see so many God-given gifts and talents on display!
Our Concert Choir, along with ECS students Robby S. on piano and Bee Y. on violin, performed at a Music in the Parks competition at Kings Dominion near Richmond on Saturday. The choir earned a rating of “Excellent,” and Robby S. won the award for the “Best Student Accompanist.” The choir performed a Norwegian folk song accompanied by four hands at the piano, played by Robby S. and our guest pianist Hannah J., as well as Bee Y. on violin. Then they sang an a cappella song in Latin based on traditional Christian liturgy. It was a memorable day in the park riding roller coasters together and shifting to indoor fun during a downpour. Congratulations to our student musicians and choral director, Ms. Kelly Park!
Although the dates can be debated, historians agree that block printing is an old-world art form that originated from Asia and existed for generations before Johannes Gutenberg’s life-changing invention of the printing press. With this in mind, the Art Foundations students have taken their hand to the exciting art form. As a class, students have met design challenges with perseverance such as navigating inverse images, reasoning through the visual complications of negative and positive areas in drawings, and carving with sharp gouges. It has been nothing short of exciting in the art room.
Art Foundations Class
The Evergreen Christian School Spring Music Concert was held on Tuesday, May 17 at Bethel Presbyterian Church. This special Fine Arts event featured the ECS Concert Choir and Guitar Ensemble.
The Evergreen Christian School Spring Art Show was held on Tuesday, May 17 at Bethel Presbyterian Church. This special Fine Arts event featured original creations by ECS art students.
After studying ancient Greek Columns and Architecture with art teacher Mrs. Malloy, students in the Art Foundations class examined Washington monuments and saw how our country has borrowed from the ancient Greeks.
Our talented ECS art students drew cross-contour lizards and then water colored them! Beautiful work, Eagles!
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