THANK YOU to our many guests, sponsors, donors, community partners, vendors, and volunteers who made our Eagle Auction a very joyful and blessed event. God has guided and provided thus far in all of our fundraising goals. We thank you for helping us get super close to our auction goal! We raised $90,310.00. These goals are set to meet the needs of ECS families, new programs, and a growing school. If you feel led to help us meet or exceed our auction goal we are still accepting checks and PayPal donations along with selling spirt wear through the end of this month to go toward our $100,000 goal.
Over 150 ECS friends and family members enjoyed an evening of bidding on auction items, buying raffle tickets and Eagle spirit wear, eating delicious food from Silver Spoon Caterers, hearing an important message from Head of School Michael Dewey, and listening to a special performance from members of our Concert Choir and Chapel Band.
Our business sponsors led the way in helping us raise funds for student programs, library and technology resources, facility projects, and tuition assistance. Thank you to...
- Jenn Rooney with Hunt Country Events
- Geary Higgins / VA Delegate
- Jenn Mastran with Renewed Body, LLC
- Dr. Grace Lee Dorsch with Office Anesthesia Services
- Lou Giuliano with Rock Hill Farm
- Paul MacMahon with Sheridan-MacMahon Realtors
Thanks to our generous auction item donors, guests had close to 100 auction items to bid on! Silent auction items (offered via the online bidding system) included an original ECS plaque designed by ECS Parent Juliana Morris and signed by each ECS student. Auctioneer Clark Carr livened up the crowd during the "Live" auction which was filled with trips, entertainment, camps, and ECS packages including Head of School for the Day and Year-Long Carpool Privilege.
Congratulations to our Eagle Auction prize winners: Best Dressed Eagle Fan: Danni Bloom; Raffle Winner: Wallace Mitchell; and Donation Drawing Winner: Brooke Shermerhorn.
A fun time was had by all!
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